Showing all 2 results
- $5
- 1890s
- 18th
- 1930s
- 1970s
- 19th
- abbeys
- abolition
- Aboriginal
- Aboriginality
- Aborigines
- abstract
- academia
- acting
- actors
- addiction
- adjusted
- adult
- adventure
- advertising
- aeronautics
- Aesop
- aesthetes
- aesthetics
- Afganistan
- Africa
- African-Americans
- Age
- ageing
- Ages
- agriculture
- air
- aircraft
- airfields
- airforce
- airplanes
- airships
- Alamein
- Alamos
- Alberta
- Albigensian
- Alexander
- Alice
- allegory
- alphabet
- Alpine
- Alps
- alternate-history
- Amazon
- America
- American
- amphibians
- anaesthetics
- anatomy
- ancient
- Andersen
- anecdotes
- angling
- Anglo-Irish
- Anglo-Saxon
- Anglo-Saxons
- animal
- animals
- Antarctica
- anthopology
- anthropolgy
- anthropology
- anti-nuclear
- anti-slavery
- anti-war
- Antipodes
- antiquarian
- antiques
- antiquities
- ants
- any
- apartheid
- apes
- Arabia
- Arabian
- Arabic
- Arabs
- arboreal
- archaeology
- archeology
- architectural
- architecture
- Arctic
- armaments
- arms
- army
- Art
- Arthur
- Arthurian
- artist
- artists
- Arts
- Ashanti
- Asia
- Asoka
- assassination
- Assyria
- astrology
- astronomy
- astrophysics
- at
- Atacama
- atlas
- atom
- atomic
- auction
- auctions
- audiobook
- Austen
- Australia
- Australian
- Australiana
- australians
- Austro-Hungarian
- authors
- Autobiography
- avant-garde
- aviation
- award
- axemanship
- Aztecs
- babies
- baby
- Babylonia
- Balkans
- ballad
- ballads
- ballet
- ballooning
- balloons
- banksias
- barns
- Baroque
- baseball
- battles
- be
- bears
- beauty
- bee-keeping
- bees
- behavior
- Berlin
- Bewick
- bibiophily
- bible
- biblio-mystery
- bibliography
- bibliomystery
- bibliophily
- big
- biodiversity
- biographies
- biography
- biology
- birds
- Bismarck
- Black
- Blacks
- Blacksmithing
- blasphemy
- block
- Bloomsbury
- Blue
- board
- boating
- boats
- bodybuilding
- bohemians
- bomb
- Bombay/Mumbai
- bombers
- Bond
- book
- book-collecting
- bookbinding
- Booker
- bookplates
- books
- bookseller.
- bookselling
- Borgias
- botany
- Bounty
- Bow
- boyhood
- brain
- Brazil
- Britain
- broadcasting
- brumbies
- building
- buildings
- bullocks
- Burgundy
- Burma
- buses
- bushranging
- business
- butterflies
- by
- Byzantian
- C
- cabaret
- Caesar
- California
- calligraphy
- Cambridge
- camping
- Canada
- Canadain
- Canadian
- canal-boating
- canals
- Canberra
- canines
- canyons
- capitalism
- Capri
- Captain
- captitals
- card
- Caribbean
- caricature
- carols
- carpets
- Carthage
- cartography
- carton-dating
- cartoon
- cartoons
- castles
- cathedral
- cathedrals
- Catholicism
- cats
- cattle
- cavaliers
- cavalry
- Caxton
- Celtic
- Celts
- Cenci
- censorship
- Century
- ceramics
- Chagall
- Chanel
- Changi
- Charlemagne
- Chaucer
- cheetahs
- chemistry
- chess
- childhood
- children
- childrens
- childrens's
- chimpanzees
- China
- chivalry
- choreography
- Christianity
- Christie
- Christmas
- chronicles
- chronology
- church
- churches
- Churchill
- Churchills
- cinema
- cinematography
- cities
- Civil
- civilisation
- civility
- classic
- Classical
- classics
- climate
- climbing
- coastguard
- coats-of-arms
- codes
- coins
- Cold
- Collected Works
- collecting
- colleges
- Colonial
- colonialism
- colonies
- colonisation
- colonization
- colony
- combat
- comedy
- comics
- commerce
- common
- communes
- communication
- communism
- companion
- Company
- composers
- comprehension
- computers
- computing
- conceptual
- concertos
- conducting
- conductors
- Confederacy
- Confucius
- conjuring
- consciousness
- conservation
- Constantin
- construction
- controversy
- convicts
- Cook
- cookery
- cooking
- coopers
- Corfu
- Cornwall
- Cornwell
- correspondence
- corrrespondence
- Corsica
- cosmology
- Cossacks
- costume
- Cotswolds
- countries
- country
- countryside
- courts
- cowboys
- cowbys
- craft
- crafts
- creativity
- Crete
- cricket
- crime
- Crimea
- criticim
- criticism
- Cromwell
- crosswords
- Crusades
- crustaceans
- crystals
- Cuba
- Cubism
- cuisine
- cults
- culture
- curry
- customs
- Czars
- Czechs
- da
- damage
- dance
- Danton
- Dark
- Darwin
- Darwinism
- de
- Dead
- death
- decadence
- deco
- deconstructionism
- decor
- decorating
- decoration
- decorative
- default
- Degas
- democracy
- Depression
- Deruta
- Desert
- design
- determinism
- Deutsch
- diaries
- diary
- diasters
- dictionary
- dinosaurs
- diplomacy
- direction
- disabilities
- disasters
- discovery
- discrimination
- disease
- diseases
- disregard
- diversity
- doctor
- documentary
- documents
- dogfights
- dogs
- Dolittle
- dolls
- domestic
- donkey
- doors
- downwards
- dragons
- drama
- drawings
- droving
- drugs
- Druids
- Dutch
- eagles
- earth
- East
- eating
- ecclesiastical
- ecology
- economics
- education
- Edwardian
- Egypt
- electricity
- electrics
- Elizabethan
- Elizabethans
- emigrants
- emigration
- empire
- empires
- encyclopedia
- energy
- engineering
- England
- English
- engraving
- engravings
- Enlightenment
- entertainment
- entomology
- entymology
- Environment
- environmentalism
- epidemics
- epigrams
- eponyms
- equestrian
- equitation
- era
- erotica
- eroticism
- Eskimos
- espionage
- essays
- estates
- etchings
- ethics
- ethnology
- etymology
- Europe
- European
- Everest
- Everyday
- evil
- evolution
- excavations
- exercise
- existentialism
- exploration
- explorers
- fable
- fables
- fabric
- faience
- fairies
- fairy
- falconry
- fantasy
- Far
- farmhouses
- farming
- farming/ranching
- fashion
- fauna
- Fauvism
- feet
- felines
- feminine
- feminism
- fencing
- feudalism
- fiction
- figure-skating
- film
- finance
- finances
- fine
- First
- FirstNations
- fisheries
- fishing
- flags
- Fleet
- Flinders
- floral
- Florence
- Florida
- flowers
- fluvial
- fly-fishing
- flying
- Folio
- folk-art
- folk-tales
- folklore
- folksongs
- folktale
- folktales
- food
- fook
- football
- for
- forestry
- foresty
- forgery
- form
- fortunes
- fossils
- fox-hunting
- foxhunting
- France
- Francisco
- Franklin
- frauds
- free
- French
- frogs
- fruits
- Fuego
- fuel
- furniture
- gadgets
- gambling
- game
- games
- Gandhi
- gardening
- gardens
- gastronomy
- Gaudi
- Gauguin
- gay
- geese
- gender
- Generation
- genetics
- Geneva
- Genghis
- gentry
- Geographic
- geography
- geology
- geometry
- George
- German
- German/English
- Germany
- ghost
- ghosts
- Gill
- glass
- gold
- gorillas
- gothic
- government
- governors
- Grail
- grammar
- Grand
- graphic
- graphics
- gravestones
- graziers
- Great
- Greece
- Greek
- Greenland
- Grimm
- Guadacanal
- guerillas
- guerrillas
- guide
- guides
- guilds
- Guinea
- Gulag
- guns
- Haiti
- harbours
- health
- Hebrew
- Hebrides
- heraldry
- heresy
- Hereward
- heroes
- highwaymen
- hiking
- Himalayas
- Hindu-Kush
- historical
- History
- Hitler
- Hogarth
- Hollywood
- holocaust
- Homer
- homosexuality
- honey
- Hood
- Horn
- horror
- horse
- horsemanship
- horses
- horticulture
- hospitality
- hounds
- houses
- housing
- Huguenots
- humour
- Hungary
- hunting
- hurricanes
- hydrology
- hygiene
- Iceland
- icons
- ideas
- II
- illness
- illuminated
- illustration
- illustrators
- immigrants
- implements
- Impressionism
- Incas
- index
- India
- Indian
- Indians
- Indonesia
- Industrial
- industry
- infants
- information
- innovation
- inns
- insects
- insignia
- intelligence
- interior
- interiors
- interviews
- Inuit
- invention
- inventions
- investment
- Ireland
- Irish
- iron
- is
- Islam
- Islands
- Israel
- Istanbul
- Italian
- Italians
- Italy
- jaguars
- Japan
- Japanese
- jazz
- Jewishness
- Jews
- Johnsoniana
- journal
- journalism
- journalist
- journals
- journeys
- Judaism
- Julius
- juvenile
- kangeroos
- Kennedy
- Kenya
- Khan
- Khans
- King
- kings
- kittens
- knighthood
- knights
- knots
- Krupp
- labels
- Labor
- labour
- lacquer
- land-management
- landed
- landscape
- landscapes
- language
- languages
- Lanka
- Larson
- Latin
- law
- leadership
- learning
- Lebanon
- legal
- legend
- legends
- leisure
- Leonard
- lesbianism
- letters
- lexicography
- libraries
- library
- life
- life-cycle
- linguistics
- linocuts
- lions
- literacy
- Literary
- literature
- lithography
- local
- log
- logic
- London
- Los
- Lost
- love
- macabre
- Macarthur
- Macedonia
- machinery
- machines
- Macquarie
- magazines
- magic
- magicians
- magnetic
- mahogany
- Mahomet
- Majorca
- mammals
- Mandela
- manners
- manufacturing
- manuscripts
- Maori
- Map
- maps
- marbling
- Marconi
- marine
- maritime
- marketing
- Master
- mathematics
- McCarthy
- McCarthyism
- meals
- medals
- Media
- Medici
- medicine
- medieval
- Mediterranean
- memoir
- memoirs
- memory
- mermaids
- metallurgy
- metals
- metalware
- metalwork
- metaphysical
- metaphysics
- Mexico
- mf
- microscopes
- Middle
- Middle-English
- migration
- Miles
- Militaria
- military
- mimetic
- mind
- mineralogy
- mining
- Ministers
- misquotations
- missionaries
- mistresses
- modelling
- modern
- Modernism
- Moghuls
- monarchy
- Monet
- money
- Mongol
- Mongolia
- monks
- monoliths
- Montrose
- morality
- morals
- Mormons
- Morocco
- mortality
- motherhood
- mountaineering
- Mountains
- movement
- movies
- Mozart
- munitions
- museums
- mushrooms
- music
- musical
- musicals
- Muslems
- Muslims
- Mutiny
- mystery
- mysticism
- myth
- mythology
- myths
- Naples
- Napoleon
- Napoleonic
- Narnia
- National
- nations
- Native
- natural
- nature
- nautical
- Navajo
- naval
- navy
- Nazi
- Nazis
- Nazism
- Negros
- Nero
- Netherlands
- Nevada
- New
- Newbery
- newspapers
- Niger
- Nights
- Nile
- Nimrud
- Njinsky
- noir
- nomads
- Normandy
- Normans
- Norse
- North
- Northern
- Norwegians
- Nostradamus
- notation
- nouveau
- novel
- nuclear
- nursery
- nutrition
- nuts
- NZ
- occult
- oceans
- oil
- Old
- Olympics
- on
- onithology
- opera
- order
- orders
- ordnance
- orgies
- Orient
- Orkneys
- ornithology
- Othello
- otters
- outback
- outlaws
- owls
- Oxford
- p/arts
- pa
- Pacific
- pacificism
- painting
- palaeontology
- paleontology
- Palestine
- pamphleteers
- pamphlets
- pantomime
- Papacy
- paper
- paperback
- papermaking
- Para-Olympics
- paradores
- Paraguay
- paranormal
- Paris
- Parnassians
- Party
- pastimes
- pastoral
- pastoralism
- Patagonia
- patience
- peasants
- pediatrics
- Peforming
- Peking
- penalty
- pencil
- Pepys
- Pequots
- Performing
- performing_arts
- period
- Persia
- petrology
- pf
- pharmacology
- philosophy
- phonetics
- phonology
- photo-journalism
- photography
- photos
- physchology
- physics
- piano
- Picador
- Picasso
- picture
- pioneers
- piracy
- pirates
- place-names
- plague
- planets
- planning
- plants
- Plato
- play
- plays
- playwrights
- please
- Pleiade
- poems
- poetry
- poets
- Polar
- poles
- politics
- pollution
- pop
- Popes
- pornography
- Portugal
- Postage
- poster
- posters
- postmodernism
- pottery
- poultry
- poverty
- power
- POWs
- Prado
- Prague
- prawn
- Pre-Columbian
- pre-history
- Pre-ISBN
- Pre-Raphaelite
- Pre-Raphaelites
- predictions
- prehistory
- prejudice
- Presidents
- priests
- primates
- Prime
- primitive
- printing
- printmakers
- printmaking
- prints
- prison
- prisons
- private
- processed
- production
- propaganda
- prophecies
- prostitution
- proteaceae
- protest
- Provence
- Prussia
- psychiatry
- psychic
- psychology
- psychotherapy
- Public
- publication
- publishing
- Puffin
- Pulitzer
- Punch
- pyschology
- Quakers
- Quebec
- Queen
- quotations
- race
- racing
- racism
- radar
- radio
- railways
- rainforests
- ranchers
- ranching
- Rasputin
- rate
- rats
- reading
- rebellion
- recipes
- records
- referece
- reference
- refugees
- Regency
- relics
- religion
- Renaissance
- reportage
- reporting
- reptiles
- research
- restoration
- revolution
- revolutions
- rhymes
- Rimbaud
- River
- riverboats
- rivers
- roads
- Robespierre
- Robin
- robots
- rock
- rocket
- rocks
- rodeo
- Roll
- Roman
- romance
- romances
- Romans
- Romantic
- Romantics
- Rome
- ropework
- roses
- Round
- Rousseau
- rowing
- royalty
- rugs
- running
- rushes
- Russe
- Russia
- Russian
- S
- s/f
- sagas
- sail
- sailing
- Saint
- salads
- sales
- Salome
- salvage
- samurai
- San
- Sardinia
- satire
- scallop
- Scandinavia
- scarecrows
- School
- schools
- science
- science_
- science_fiction
- science/fiction
- Scotland
- scripts
- scrolls
- sculpture
- Sea
- sea-faring
- seafaring
- seals
- seamanship
- Seas
- seascapes
- second-sight
- semiology
- serfs
- serial
- set
- settlement
- Seville
- sex
- sexuality
- sf
- Shakespeare
- Sharpe
- shell
- ship
- ships
- shipwrecks
- shoes
- short
- show
- showgirls
- shrimp
- Shropshire
- Siberia
- Sicily
- sickness
- Side
- Sierra
- signs
- silhouettes
- Sinatra
- singing
- site
- skiing
- slang
- slavery
- small/light
- smuggling
- so
- soccer
- social
- socialism
- society
- sociology
- sonnets
- South
- Southeast
- Southern
- Soviet
- space
- Spain
- Spanish
- speech
- speeches
- speed-reading
- spice
- spices
- spies
- spiritualism
- spirituality
- sport
- spy
- spying
- spys
- squatters
- Sri
- stage
- stagecoaches
- stained
- stars
- steam
- steamboats
- steel
- stencil
- steppes
- stereotypes
- stock-market
- stone
- stone-masonry
- Stonehenge
- stories
- Strait
- strategy
- Street
- studios
- submarine
- submarines
- Suffolk
- Sun
- sun-worship
- supernatural
- superstition
- Surfing
- surgery
- Surrey
- surveying
- survival
- suspense
- sustainability
- swan
- Sweden
- swordplay
- swords
- Sybaris
- Sydney
- symbolism
- Symbolists
- symbols
- Table
- tablets
- taboos
- Tacitus
- Taiwan
- tale
- tales
- tanka
- Tartars
- Tasmania
- tax
- taxonomy
- teaching
- technology
- teddy
- telescopes
- television
- Templars
- Territory
- Terror
- textiles
- Thames
- the
- theatre
- theology
- theory
- thinking
- this
- thoroughbreds
- thriller
- thuggery
- Tibet
- Tierra
- timber
- time
- tinplate
- Tolkien
- tools
- topography
- Torres
- totems
- Tours
- town-planning
- toys
- trade
- trades
- trading
- tradition
- trains
- translation
- Transport
- transportation
- Travel
- travels
- treason
- treasure-hunting
- tree
- trees
- trials
- tribal
- tribes
- tribute
- Trinidad
- trout
- Troy
- trucks
- Tudors
- Turkey
- Tuscany
- TV
- Ukrainian
- Uncategorized
- unemployment
- Union
- universities
- upmanship
- urban
- Utopia
- utopias
- Valentine
- vampires
- vegetarianism
- Venice
- Versailles
- verse
- vet
- veterinary
- Victoria
- Victorian
- Victorians
- Vienna
- Vietnam
- Vikings
- villages
- Vinci
- violins
- volcanoes
- voyages
- wallabies
- war
- waratahs
- warfare
- wars
- warships
- water
- water-colours
- waterways
- Waugh
- wealth
- weapons
- weather
- Weimar
- werewolves
- West
- western
- whale
- whales
- wheelchair
- which
- Whistler
- Wild
- Wilde
- wildflowers
- wildlife
- will
- wind
- windjammers
- Wine
- winter
- wireless
- witchcraft
- within
- wolves
- women
- wood
- wood-chopping
- wood-craft
- wood-engraving
- woodcuts
- Woolfs
- word
- word-origins
- words
- work
- workers
- Works"
- World
- writers
- writing
- X-rays
- Yarra
- yoga
- York
- Yorkshire
- young
- Zealand
- zoology
- zoos
The Creative Process. A Symposium.
GHISELIN, Brewster (editor)
$3.00 -
The Oxford Companion to the Mind.
GREGORY, Richard L. (with the assistance of O.L. ZANGWILL).